Hi, Everyone.
Just a quick update. I was in UCLA for two weeks with another obstructed bowel. This one was so bad, that they chose to insert a g-tube into my stomach before I could go home. I've been home since Monday and definitely have to adjust to this new life. Some days are filled with pain meds, other meds, dressing changes and things that are utterly disturbing to me. My Mom has been AMAZING. Nothing grosses her out (unlike me) and she's working around the clock to make sure I'm comfortable. I'm definitely not up for visitors and just ask for your prayers. And please, no more gifts! I know I have OCD when I feel yucky and I still worry about where my Mom will put another cute vintage accessory from one of you thoughtful people. Prayers only, please.
Feel free to email my sister Robin at robnanth@yahoo.com or Donna at georgiagrits11@yahoo.com for further updates should it take me awhile to post another one.