Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gifts for Your Body

OK, everybody knows I ate sugar all day, all night every day of my life.  Until I got cancer.  Then I found the top 13 foods you should eat/drink to ward off cancer written by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD in his book "Anti Cancer, A New Way of Life."  Now I'm not saying my sugar diet "caused" my cancer.  But I absolutely believe it acted as a welcome mat and said, "Come right in.  Ruthie's not expecting you."

Broccoli - Every day!  
Salmon - 2 to 3 times a week.
Carrots - Munch on and put in salads.
Berries - All kinds!  Who doesn't love these?  
Oranges/lemons/tangerines - Yum.
Greens - All green veggies.  Be creative.
Garlic/onions - Great on your broccoli.
Soy - Steamed edamame is my favorite with kosher salt.
Ginger - put grated, fresh ginger on fruit salad.  
Haven't tried, but need to.
Turmeric - that really yellow spice that you probably 
don't use enough of.  
I put it on my salmon.

And now my favorites:

Green Tea -  I love Stash's Pomegranate Raspberry Green Tea, and add a 
tad of organic honey.  2-3 cups a day.  
Pomegranate Juice - I buy it at Costco and cut it with sparkling water.  
I take my vitamins with this every morning.

And drum roll please:

Dark Chocolate (72%).  OK, thank God that dark chocolate (1 to 2 squares a day) is just what the oncologist ordered!  I will admit, at first, I couldn't stand it.  Way too bitter.  But I bought EVERY bar out there and found I love Godiva the best.  At first, it tasted "medicinal" to me.  If it weren't chocolate, I wouldn't have wanted to eat it.  But now, after eliminating 99% of sugar out of my diet, I crave it.  I break up a square into 6 little pieces and pair it with almonds.  
My saving grace!

As Dr. Servan-Schreiber says, "All of us have cancer cells in our bodies.  But not all of us will develop cancer."   Change your diet, to the best of your ability (I know it's hard!)  But I'll tell you what I do when my kids want to go to 31 Flavors.  My weakness.  I say in my head, "Ice cream cone?  Or life?"  I choose life.  OK, I'll be honest.  I've had two chocolate almond ice cream cones in nine months.  Two!  Where's my gold star?

You can do it.  If this sugar ADDICT did it, I promise you can too.  If you need help, 
you know where to find me.  


  1. Thank you Ruthie! I plan to get the book. And thank you for allowing me to follow you and your journey. Many blessings to you and your family

  2. Thank you for that great list Ruthie! Oooo I'm going to try Tumeric on Salmon...that sounds intruguing!! :)
    Try the phrase "It's JUST food" the next time you crave sugary food. It's amazing how saying that to yourself can take down the craved food from the pedistal, and give you time to pick the RIGHT food. :)
    Also, try to find chocolate without soy...rare but out there. Whole Foods has chocolate chips that are dark, and wholesome without soy additive. Fun to eat frozen from the freezer. :)
    love to you,
    Sherilyn (Robin's neighbor)
