I like Friday’s. I feel closer to God on Fridays.
Can’t explain it. I just do.
Today was no exception. This morning I had the honor of sharing my testimony with a room full of Moms at church. I’ve shared my story three times now, and each time I do, I am reminded of God’s goodness. He has equipped me to do His will, and for that, I am simply in awe.
For the first time, I had placed a mini tape recorder on the podium and taped myself speaking. I doubt I’ll ever sit down and listen to it. I think I would cringe all the way through it. Oh, why did I say it that way or I wish I would have said it that way, I’m sure, would fill my thoughts.
But I taped it for two reasons. First, my Dad. I think my Dad especially gets a kick out of me speaking. When he sat among 250 women at my first talk, he was as excited as I was that God gave me the ability to share my story. My parents live in Arizona so a quick ride in to hear the same story wasn’t gonna happen. So I taped it for both my Dad and my Mom.
Secondly, I taped it for my kids. I doubt they know how much I struggled with being a Mom when they were young. I’m sure my daughter will understand the challenges of being a Mom only when she herself becomes a Mom. I’m very honest when I speak about the adjectives I use to describe myself as a young Mom: miserable, empty, unfulfilled, guilty. It wasn’t until Jesus whispered into my heart “be still” at a church retreat several years ago that I came home and re-prioritized my life. God first. Family second. And any thing after that, doesn’t really mean too much to me anymore. OK, not true. I love my cats. And my garden. And my friends. Just being honest.
So after I spoke, I found myself dropping off my little tape recorder to a company that could convert it onto a CD. And then I remembered that there was a cute little store in that area that I’ve been meaning to wander into.
In this sweet little store, I found a bowl of wooden blocks. And we all know that I can't resist anything that has words, letters or numbers on it. As I picked one up, I noticed that the side facing me read speak.
So I told the owner that I had just spoken at church and shared with her how God has changed my life, and that this little block needed to come home with me. She wrapped it up as I handed her a five dollar bill. She handed me back four dollars and seventy five cents. She said she knew if she gave it to me for free, I wouldn’t have accepted it. She charged me a quarter. I think she’s my new best friend!
And speaking of my new friend, I promised her that I would feature her new store on my blog. There’s not too many stores around here that make me melt. And this one definitely does. And it’s brand new, so I’d love all of you to take a peek at her creativity and passion for all things old and yummy. So when I have a minute to grab my camera and run over to her store, I’ll be happy to share this little gem with you. I’ll post it on
So enjoy your weekend. Maybe a wet one, who knows. Maybe just hunker down, rain or shine, and enjoy the heck out of your family.