Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ten Things I Learned This Summer...

Hi, everyone!

Well, I think all of our kids have returned to school by now and I'm guessing that most of us already miss the lazy days of summer.  I know I do. This was the first summer that my kids grasped the idea of sleeping in.  
God love 'em!

 I tried my best not to blog too much this summer as I wanted to keep my focus on my kids and not my blog.  So instead of writing ten different posts, I compiled them into one titled,  
Ten Things I Learned This Summer.

Number One.
I like green tea.
Coffee Bean has two great green teas called Strawberries 'n Cream and Japanese Cherries.  They're actually tasty.  And they're sugar free and good for you.
Just don't be tempted to add any sugar.
And if I'm off on the names (which I wouldn't be surprised if I am) just ask them for the green/fruit teas.

Number Two.
Eating 23 almonds a day is great for your body.
Go to and order one of these darling
tins to stash your daily alotment in.
 They're about $2 a piece and come in really cute prints. 
I thought I could just re-use an old Altoid tin, but these are smaller, and therefore hold less.   And absolutely pair your almonds with a dark chocolate square or two.  
My all-time favorite snack.

Number Three.
Ping pong brought me closer to my son.
For those of you who are Moms to active, athletic boys --
nightly ping pong games are a great way to stay connected to your growing boy.  Jake and I played most every night and it's a good way to hear about his day at school.   And may I add, I even beat him a few games. 

Number Four. 
Vacations with our kids
are more relaxing when they carry cell phones.
"Mom, we're getting candy at the gift shop.  
We'll be back in five minutes." 
 (That's the sound of me relaxing on vacation).

Number Five.
Always put away your oven mits after you bake apple tarts.

Especially when this guy's around.

So, so guilty.  
He can't even look at me.

Number Six.
Dr. Scholl's Double Air-Pillos inserted into darling plaid
Converse sneakers actually make darling plaid Converse 
sneakers comfortable! 
(Sorry, Heidi!)
$2.99 at Bed, Bath and Beyond

Number Seven.
Brown rice and brocolli are fantastic for breakfast.
Or anytime.  
I hate brown rice, but I love this brown rice.
(Texmati, $5.99, Gelson's)
If anyone wants the recipe, I'd be happy to email it to you.
Step away from the bagel and cream cheese!  
Have some brocolli for breakfast!

Number Eight.
It's OK to indulge in my passion.  
Provided I do it in moderation.  
And better yet, maybe even bless someone in the process. Hmmm, who could that be?
Who do I know who needs my help? And doesn't expect it?
What fun!

This is a sneak peek of Rachel's new bedroom. I'll post more photos of it soon on my other blog.
 Decorating brings me great joy.  Decorating other people's homes brings me even greater joy.

Number Nine.
Speaking of blessing someone with your passion -- my path has again crossed with an amazing girl named Aimee.  Aimee had heard about my diagnosis and brought my family a meal during my chemo days.  She's a Mom to four young ones and still found the time to bring a stranger a meal.  I love her.  

Well, we began emailing each other just last week and she is now my official new fitness trainer.  We're actually starting a little work-out group up at Bethany this fall.  Anyone interested in thanking God for your healthy body and getting it healthier?  Come join us!

Number Ten.
Devote your mornings to God.
Yes, I did sleep in this summer.  Way in.  Yes, I sometimes failed to start my days with Him.  But, oh, how good it feels to connect with God and praise Him for all He has so richly blessed me with.  

I'm still reading Jesus Calling daily and loving it.  And I look forward to reading so much more than I ever have before.
I picked up this cute little book shelf at Goodwill for $4 and many of the books on its shelf were just $2.
I can't wait to read each and every book it holds.  
And it looks cute in our kitchen.

So that's what I learned in a nutshell.
I was reminded to care not only for my body, but for my soul.
To start my day with Jesus, fill my day with good food and exercise, and end my day with gratitude.

So here's to a healthy, memorable Fall.
May each of your days be blessed 
with walking a little closer to God.

And for any of you who live nearby, don't forget Calvary's 
Club 31 bible study starts soon (next week I think) 
and Chelsea Cameron's 24/7 Family class 
starts again in October.
I love them both.
You can register at


  1. Oh sweet Tucker!! How I love that dog!!!

    How can you not forgive a face like that -- he's only doing what comes naturally to him. Guess in his mind, his new home is this place called doggie heaven where everything is for his enjoyment and play. Such a sweet, innocent thought -- even if he's totally misguided. :)

    And, YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!!!! Oh my word - like an actress/model!! :)

    Love that you wear those Converse! Love even more that you admit they could use some help in the comfort department. ;)

    Happy Fall!!


  2. Glad you had a blessed summer, looking forward to more posts!
    have a great day,
